2023 State Action on Business Enabling Reforms (SABER): Progress Report; Sokoto State2023 State Action on Business Enabling Reforms (SABER): Progress Report; Sokoto State2024/07/30Download
2023 State Action on Business Enabling Reforms (SABER): Progress Report; Sokoto State2023 State Action on Business Enabling Reforms (SABER): Progress Report; Sokoto State2024/07/30Download
Executive Order to Fast-track Business Enabling Environment in Sokoto StateExecutive Order to Fast-track Business Enabling Environment in Sokoto State2023/12/31Download
BERAP Action PlanSokoto 2024 BERAP2023/12/30Download
BERAP ReportSokoto-State-2023-BERAP2023/12/30Download
Minute of the Private Sector Consultative MeetingThis is the Minute of the Private Sector Consultative Meeting2023/12/30Download
Approval on BERAPThis is the Government approval on BERAP2023/12/30Download
Attendance on Stakeholders MeetingThis is is the Attendance on the first Stakeholders Meeting2023/12/30Download