

It is a very good sign of progress on several fonts when Sokoto State emerged as second in 2021 released ‘Ease of Doing Business Report’ in Nigeria.

It could be recalled that on Thursday 17 September 2020, Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal established the Ease of Doing Business Council (EODBC) in Sokoto State, which was under his Chairmanship to date. It was followed by the commissioning of One Stop Shop (OSS) in Sokoto state in a colorful event attended by the Special Adviser to the President on Ease of Doing Business (EODB), Dr. Jumoke Oduwole.

The Governor equally appointed the Commissioner of Commerce and Industry, Hon. Bashir Gidado as the “State Reform Champion (SRC) on EODBC in Sokoto State. The recent feat was a result of a multi-stakeholder collaboration that includes the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Justice, Ministry for Lands and Housing, and the Sokoto ICT Directorate.

In his remarks after the announcement, the Sokoto State CRC, Hon. Gidado appreciates God Almighty’s guidance and the Commitments of Governor Tambuwal in ensuring successful implementation of strategic reforms that address all facets of human development in Sokoto State, including the establishment of the OSC in Sokoto State.

Several State and Federal Government (FG) agencies are domiciled under one umbrella at the State OSS, an establishment that serves people to access several services offered by the State Government and the FG.

The OSS is a hub that has the required facilities and is being maintained jointly by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Sokoto ICT Directorate.